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Board of Trustees

Image: Susan Norwood. Photographer: Judie Waldmann







Project Volume has a board of four trustees, chosen for their range of business experience and skills to support the growth and fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the company.

George Williams, Consultant
George Williams has thirty years experience in a broadspectrum of business, including being involved with retail and commercial development and leading programmes in various countries around the world. This included a ten-year stay in Hong Kong and Thailand, whilst conducting business throughout the Far East. Returning to the UK thirteen years ago, he is now operating as a self-employed consultant working with UK, European, and Taiwaneses companies. He is also father to a daughter with learning disabilities, who is a talented young dancer.

Tony Snee, Director The Mill Arts Centre
Tony Snee is responsible for a wide range of activities including, finance, staffing and premises. He has a particular interest in the links between Education and the Arts. Snee is a board member of The Oxfordshire Youth Arts Partnership and chairs the Steering Group for The Map Project for disaffected young people in the country. As past board member for Anjali Dance Company, he was in instrumental in the securing of a comprehensive training contract with The Learning and Skills Council and The European Social Fund. It was this fund that developed the accredited training programme for people with learning disabilities designed by Susan Norwood.

Wendy Robinson, Businesswoman
Wendy Robinson until recently has been a Senior Director with proven skills in managing small and medium enterprises and with extensive sales and marketing experience. Other key skills include; implementing financial planning structures with tight financial control, and structuring organisations to achieve their greatest efficiency and best working environment. In her publishing business she worked alongside Mencap to work inclusively with adults with learning disabilities. She is now a board member of Mencap. After a recent stint of working in the voluntary and charity sector with OCVA, Robinson is now focusing her business skills within the charity sector.

John Hole BA, ADB (Drama), Cert Ed, PGCHE
Westminster Institute of Education
Senior Lecturer, Field Chair Performing Arts: Community & Education
Special contributions: Experience in arts organisational management, small-scale touring theatre, community arts project management, teaching (drama); secondary, further and higher education. As freelance professional: theatre directing, arts administration, fund raising, project and organisational management, consultancy (arts education), education programme and partnership development in professional theatre.

Other activities include management/directorship/trusteeship of several Oxford based arts organisations including responsibility for strategic planning, advocacy, employment, staff development and financial management.

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